We are All IS-BE

https://alieninterview.org/category/is-be-alliance/ The nurse who communicated with the female pilot who crashed at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 finally shares the information. It’s about who we are, where we are and what we are. Many of my blogs incorporate this information. Please read it. Wishing you all the best my fellow Is Be humans. Let us…

Your Natural Sense of God

I recently watched a Gaiam TV programĀ  featuring Mr. H. Dean Brown, translator of The Upanishads and the Yoga Sutras. He was in a discussion with Jeffrey Mishlove about the origin of languages in the world. All languages probably stem from one mother language that evolved into many of the Eastern and Western countries. Indo-Euopean…

Watch the Global Premiere of Origins the Movie

From November 13th through November 22nd, watch the feature-length movie Origins for FREE from filmmaker Pedram Shojai. #OriginsFilm @Well_Org via Watch the Global Premiere of Origins the Movie.