The Splitting of Worlds

Those ‘compatible’ with the available ‘upgrade’ will access the new system.

20 and Back ? YES

I must confess when I started to follow Cosmic Disclosure on and the Corey Goode information, I was perplexed. His story was describing an entire hidden reality. My world morphed and twisted to include this perception. I could and still do, feel my ‘neural networks’ re-attaching in more efficient ways to enable this upgrade…

One Heart to Rule Them All

Just finished watching Season 5, Episode 8 of Beyond Belief with George Noory on GaiaTv. Stranger in the Pentagon with Craig Campobasso (February 2016) “Valiant Thor, an off-world visitor who came to the Pentagon in 1957, holds a higher perspectives of humanity, as explained by filmmaker Craig Campobasso.” “Unlike many other extraterrestrials visiting our planet,…

Inner Earth Update

The ongoing revelations coming from Corey Goode and David Wilcock on GaiaTv’s Cosmic Disclosure just keep coming. Here a video I made to update you all. There is so much more. But start here:


When we finally have access to technology allowing us to replicate food, access free energy, cure illness, create shelter and things for us to live comfortably, what will we need oil/gas, money and banks for ?

Waiting to Save the Earth

What would you do if you found out a cabal of people had intentionally withheld technology that could save the Earth ? Technology that could allow the human family to live in comfort, in equality, freely, in love with their lives ? I suggest this is so. Oil, Coal and gasoline are the main sources…

The Fearful Elite

The elite are afraid. They are afraid because they know the truth. The stark reality of their own demise is on the horizon. They know the truth of the new technologies, soon to be released to humanity. These technologies will render their products of oil and gas and their concept of money, irrelevant.   Don’t…