The End of Materialism

Be willing to be in love with life. Take your rightful place in the awakening of humanity as an anchor of love. Be that vibration so we can all experience in harmony, supporting the frequency.

Body Inversion – Turn it Around

Gravity pulls us down. Walking presses and strains our knees and hip joints. Our spines become compressed from driving, sitting, standing and years of living. Our organs become compressed over time, slowing bowel processes. How can we avoid this as the years go by ? Omega 3, probiotics, anti-inflammatory herbs, exercise, sure. However, by simply…

PolyVagal Love – Why even Hybrid Children Need Human Hugs

What’s Love got to do with it ? Everything. What do Hybrid children need ? Hugs. I recently took a day workshop titled “The Power of Feeling Safe, the Neurobiology and Neurophysiology of Stress and Trauma”, inspired by the Polyvagal Theory of Doctor Stephen Porges. In my opinion the aim to describe a clear concept…