Virtues of the Heart

They say it’s all about the heart right ? But what does that mean ? What are you ‘supposed’ to be doing with your life ? What do you want ? Why do you want it ? Who told you that ? The big secret is, you are more powerful than you know. You are the Creators bio-spiritual technology.

The Glamorous Enemy

The biggest grab for power over the human race is happening right now. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear it is blatantly obvious.

Being OK with Not Knowing

am a responsible human being and I believe my thoughts create my reality and I guard those thoughts wisely. I don’t take them from the television set or any corporate media outlet.

The Worth of a Human

The undertone of aggression against Humanity has grown to such a degree we no longer recognize our fundamental Rights and Freedoms.

Allowing Others to Choose

Many of the people I communicate with are dismayed at some of the choices their family members co-workers and friends are making.

My Tuning Fork Treatment Explained

These tuning Forks are based on the solfeggio frequencies and were created by Dr Len Horowitz. The Solfeggio/Holy Harmony™ Tuning Forks contain the 9 tones that are frequently referred to as the “Original Solfeggio Scale”. When sounded individually or with each other, these tuning forks create a powerful field of frequencies for health and balance. When sounded around the body, many people report profound healing and prayerful meditation experiences.

Return of the Abcess

You know these little nether region glandular abbesses are sneaky. They can be growing in you, causing creeping, reality stealing, incremental pain. Slowly wearing you into submission. I was getting more tired. Feeling like something was trying to take over my mind and drag me down. Even after days off, though it was not dawning…

The Real You (it’s not your body)

The Vedic understanding of the ‘connectivity of living entities’ helps humans ( the Bhakta or practitioner of yoga) to understand the difference between the ‘body’ and the ‘living entity’. This is important. If one only identifies with the body, or the material nature of this reality, one is then essentially ‘dead’ to the ‘living entity’…

Blooming Human

We don’t think about ourselves as having Spiritual Garments. But in fact we do, as we are actually a type of Royalty. Genetic Royalty. Our type of Royalty enjoys Spiritual Garments flowing around us. It is very important for us to be aware of our Spiritual Garments so we can keep ourselves healthy and functional….

Holy or Happy

The problem is that we don’t believe God, not that we don’t believe in God

Spiritual Body First

Society wants to steer us in the direction of always using sympathy and empathy over compassion. The news is always full of things you’re supposed to feel bad about. We play the Martyr and the Victim so often in our day-to-day life. These are the socially acceptable roles that we can default to and they are as energy vampires. Time for health and function.

Your Armour of God

If we throw our very real human spiritual nature out with the ‘bath water of dissonance’ we have with the church, then we ourselves are the actual losers.

Your Power to Share

Three simple tools we over look in daily life, are the main powers of the shamanic way. Love/Gratitude Seeing/Truth Blessing/Energy True Shamanic teaching offers the seeker an authentic initiation. Not copying teacher but building on wisdom, creating one’s own way. Being open to finding new information. Trusting, Loving, and Blessing the next generation keeps Shamanic…

My Road to Jikiden Reiki

The term “jikiden” is a Japanese word that denotes a traditional art form that is passed on carefully from teacher to student without alteration. Put quite simply, Jikden Reiki does not have any non-Japanese concepts and is very respectful of the original teachings.

The Death of Political Correctness

The failed Marxist ideology of bourgeoisie oppressing the worker has been taken up by the progressive left as oppressor victim. When we identify and label with these terms and ideologies we do not Empower Humanity to reach for its creativity. It only leads to backbiting whining and disharmony. To empower the individual is to embrace personal responsibility. This is something that has been perpetually bread out of us through identity politics and Progressive ideology based on the failed neo-marxism and postmodernist movements. The age of political correctness has now ceased.

Ayahuasca and Me

The call towards wholeness did not reside in the teaching of the plants: It resided in the deepest parts of my own being.

What is Your Purpose ?

Have you ever listened to the sound of a cube or tetrahedron?
Geometry is the PHYSICAL expression of the frequency of SPIRIT.

Talk to Your DNA

We create our reality by choosing it with our feelings. Human emotion effects the field that connects all our world is made of.

Humanity First

Just as unhealthy thoughts, words and actions can create disease in our body, the agenda of the elite has made humanity sick. The programs they run, being the thoughts we think, are creating dis-ease in our perceptions.

Stealing Humanity

Your tears can drown you
in your own sorrow
if you don’t let them out.

Freedom vs Truth

For those of us who have done research into the ‘World Behind the World’ this election was like pure sugar. For those of us who never bothered to think outside the box this could be seen as the end of the world as we know it.

Crap Circle Conundrum

The horrible truth of Hoaxing for money has muddied the waters for researchers for years.
Antsy takes the cake.

Living Ubuntu Life

“A miraculous healing awaits this planet once we accept our new responsibility
to collectively tend to the garden rather than fight over the turf.”
– Bruce H. Lipton

Destination Unlimited Interview

My guest this week on Destination Unlimited is a woman who, like myself and many of the guests I welcome to the program, most definitely marches to the beat of a different drummer. By profession, she is a Medical Laboratory Technologist specializing in Hematology and Transfusion Medicine. By calling she is a Wellness and Inversion…

You Are the Event Horizon

Is there an animating life energy entering all matter at set geometric points? Is this the mechanism creating the field or reality of the third dimensional material world ?

Worst Fears

I remember having three worst fears: 1-I would have a son-did that 2-I would have a C-section-did that, almost bled out 3-My husband ‘would die’ leaving me alone to raise a boy-well he left, so he’s ‘dead to me’ now. After facing these 3 worst fears, another more nebulous fear kept popping up. An odd almost…

Anti Humanism

The philosophers who break away from structured and historically based religions do so for a reason. However to disregard one’s inherent spiritual nature in lieu of a simple materialistic one seems to have bred an ideology of hatred toward humanity.   In the late 18th and 19th centuries, the philosophy of humanism was a cornerstone…

The 5 Hindrances

By the time I hit my island, I was physically spent. Long scented with camp fire smoke, human salt sweat, sun and bush; insects didn’t bother with me anymore. Confident I could manage this solo, I happily waved the team leaders canoe off, dropped my dry food, plastic sheet and rope for a ‘hoochie tent’. I sat solidly near the islands edge. Alone at last, I breathed deeply then listened to this place.

One Heart to Rule Them All

Just finished watching Season 5, Episode 8 of Beyond Belief with George Noory on GaiaTv. Stranger in the Pentagon with Craig Campobasso (February 2016) “Valiant Thor, an off-world visitor who came to the Pentagon in 1957, holds a higher perspectives of humanity, as explained by filmmaker Craig Campobasso.” “Unlike many other extraterrestrials visiting our planet,…

5 Suns and 3 Steps

I toured Egypt in 2013. The Khemit School was offering a Techno/Spiritual Adventure of a lifetime. Notable draws were Peru/Bolivia guide Brien Foerster, UK Travel GURU Gary Evans, Authours Stephen Mehler and Christopher Dunn, along with Founding school members, KMT Oral Tradition keeper Yousef Awyan his wife Patricia and wonderfully informed progressive Egyptologist Mohamed Ibrahim….


When we finally have access to technology allowing us to replicate food, access free energy, cure illness, create shelter and things for us to live comfortably, what will we need oil/gas, money and banks for ?

Our Universal Identity

Wow. Grace and Courage. Yet another acknowledgement of our ongoing human consciousness evolution. Now we are retooling Human Universal Identity. I am watching a lecture called: Lisette Larkin (01-20-15) The Truth Behind ET Contact This woman has a wonderful way of speaking about the greater reality we all share. The words she uses along with…

The Fearful Elite

The elite are afraid. They are afraid because they know the truth. The stark reality of their own demise is on the horizon. They know the truth of the new technologies, soon to be released to humanity. These technologies will render their products of oil and gas and their concept of money, irrelevant.   Don’t…

Alchemical Geometry

This geometric symbol below is the seal of alchemy.The word ‘EL KHEMY’ comes to us from ancient Khemet the very ancient predynastic Egyptian civilization. True Alchemists help humanity rise to their highest understanding of themselves. They empower humans to take charge of the thoughts they use, as thoughts create forms in our world.

The End of Materialism

Be willing to be in love with life. Take your rightful place in the awakening of humanity as an anchor of love. Be that vibration so we can all experience in harmony, supporting the frequency.

Body Inversion – Turn it Around

Gravity pulls us down. Walking presses and strains our knees and hip joints. Our spines become compressed from driving, sitting, standing and years of living. Our organs become compressed over time, slowing bowel processes. How can we avoid this as the years go by ? Omega 3, probiotics, anti-inflammatory herbs, exercise, sure. However, by simply…

PolyVagal Love – Why even Hybrid Children Need Human Hugs

What’s Love got to do with it ? Everything. What do Hybrid children need ? Hugs. I recently took a day workshop titled “The Power of Feeling Safe, the Neurobiology and Neurophysiology of Stress and Trauma”, inspired by the Polyvagal Theory of Doctor Stephen Porges. In my opinion the aim to describe a clear concept…

Out of the Blue – YOU !

DNA taps this ‘blue’ source field for the BLUEPRINT to our perfect health. The communication must be kept clear. We need a remembering of our natural science such as Orgone tools to promote good communication with the PTAH. Then we receive the blessing of life force and radiant health from out of the blue 🙂

Healing Holy Harmony Tuning Forks

Sound creates. Sound transforms. Using simple vowel sounds and middle C scale on a piano, one can keep health each day using one’s own voice. Your voice is set to your specific need. In fact you could say your voice is a medicine prescribed specifically for you. Hans Jenny started the modern remembering of the…

We are All IS-BE The nurse who communicated with the female pilot who crashed at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 finally shares the information. It’s about who we are, where we are and what we are. Many of my blogs incorporate this information. Please read it. Wishing you all the best my fellow Is Be humans. Let us…

TFHL tells you the ‘Gluten’ Truth

When I discovered I was Celiac-Sprue it was a year after I nearly bled out during my C-section. With too much gluten stuck to my digestive intestine over the 29 years I had no proper nutrition, so my ability to create/absorb vitamin K (needed for blood clotting) was impaired. During the operation my count dropped…

The Human Consciousness Revolution

“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within…


By being aware of our current ‘Vibrational Level of Consciousness’ and personal Chakra ‘information flow’ we can stay healthy and become of most service to others.

Why are we so Afraid?

 Remembering FEARLESS eternal consciousness evolution The question of ‘fear and being in fear’ has always intrigued me, especially as a child. As an adult it bothers me more, nags at me that my society seems to like fear. Not only fear but addiction to voyeurism of violence and the criminal nature. For example the popularity…

What’s Your Nature ?

Cycles of time create new eras of consciousness. As our planet spirals around the moving sun, we ‘corkscrew’ through space. The models we are shown in school always seem to depict a stationary sun with planets revolving around it. Like the sun is standing still. In actuality the sun is also moving in it’s own…

The Miraculous Chapel of Hathor at Dendera and The 5 Sun Cycle

My trip to Egypt in April 2013 was awesome and quite the education. The information was based on the Khemitian Oral Tradition. Ancient Khemit or KMT, not only refers to The Black Land (flooding with ‘Black soil’, even the ‘Black’ people) but perhaps also refers to The Band of Peace, a very ancient civilization of…

Natures Life Giving Proportions

Bio-geometry is Everywhere ! Recently I stumbled across a great video series on YouTube concerning a subject called Bio-geometry and the works of Dr. Ibrahim Karim. I found this to be wonderfully enlightening information. Called ‘Ibrahim Karim – Egyptian Energy Science – Bio GeometryTraining. Link to part 1 of 9 here: The series started…