Talk to Your DNA

Human Emotion Changes Matter.

Ever notice that your emotions are powerful informers?

They rush and swirl and can sometimes overwhelm us. They are our authentic ‘reactions’. To be healthy our job is to learn to ‘respond’ not merely ‘react’ to the information they supply.

We create our reality by choosing it with our feelings. Human emotion effects the field connecting all our world is made of. 

Human Emotion Changes Matter !

We are open to manipulation because of this fact.


God gave humans free choice.

We can’t lose the conversation or we will lose civilization. If we lose the words we get the extra s and we have swords.

Reality exists only where the mind creates a focus.

Take a moment close your eyes breathe deeply. Cause yourself to feel a fearful emotion. Feel the contraction. Take a breath. Cause yourself to feel a loving emotion. Feel the expansion. Pause take a breath.

There are many emotions but for simplicity, lets use general terms and create two groups of them.

Emotions based in Fear and Emotions based in Love.

Love vs Fear – DNA effects

Fear based emotion causes DNA to contract. The wide frequency band of FEAR hits less of the DNA regardless and with our DNA now curling up even more against the FEAR based emotion being run, there is no hope of stimulation to higher functioning.

Emotions based in Love such as Gratitude and Compassion will alter and Open DNA. This open position allows more surface area to be stimulated by the tighter waveform of LOVE.

Photons reaction to DNA show how mere DNA effects light. If human DNA is introduced to a tube of photons the photons will copy the form of the human DNA. The photons will hold this form even after the DNA has been removed.

I learned this from researcher Gregg Braden’s work years ago. Now Gregg has a new show on Gaia called Missing Links. The new episode inspired this blog and is called:

The Physics of Our Deepest Connections

If we can accept that everything is contained with the Field, then we no longer question if we are all connected. The question now becomes: How deeply are we connected? Two experiments, conducted by prominent scientists, reveal that the arrangement of photons and DNA can be directly influenced by human emotions. These findings seem to defy the conventional laws of physics but give us a means for understanding the mechanisms behind prayer, remote healing and miracles. When we learn to embrace these truths, we can begin to unlock the fullest potential we have available to us.

Essentially, in other words, all our prayers have already been answered. We activate through our feelings. This is how we create our reality – by choosing it with our feelings. Our feelings are activating the timeline via the web of creation, which connects all of the energy and matter of the Universe.

This is the explanation for ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ that unnerved Einstein. That we could have an impact of our world at a distance by mere focus or emotional connection.

John Archibald Wheeler (July 9, 1911 – April 13, 2008) was an American theoretical physicist who said there are no ‘observers’ but ‘participants’.

Human emotion affects the field that connects all things and matter our world is made of.  So we will never find the smallest particle or the edge of reality because we are creating it. The expectation creates it. The act of looking then is the act of creation.

Energy Flows where attention goes. Reality exists only where the mind creates a focus.

Reality exists only where the mind creates a focus.

So to our political situation today….

We can’t lose the conversation or we will lose civilization. If we lose the words we get the extra s and we have swords.

Free Speech includes both sides if you’re going to go left and right both sides have a right to be heard.

You can’t use violence to stop free speech. Once that happens the big guns will come out and we will all lose. I encourage those who are engaging in violence to stop.

Aggression is not the way to Freedom and Empowerment for all.

We must engage in the Ideas with each other, engage in the conversation with each other. Reality exists only where the mind creates a focus.

 There is an agenda for violence. Please understand and do not lose your Humanity because others urge you to.

The overall agenda is to have all your rights gone don’t help them do it.

Human Emotion Changes Matter

One Comment Add yours

  1. Les D. says:

    Thank you for sharing your insights ~ I look forward to reading more ! ~♡~

    Liked by 1 person

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