The Glamorous Enemy

The biggest grab for power over the human race is happening right now. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear it is blatantly obvious.

Being OK with Not Knowing

am a responsible human being and I believe my thoughts create my reality and I guard those thoughts wisely. I don’t take them from the television set or any corporate media outlet.


Apparently liberals and leftists in America are disenchanted with the Democratic Party. They are feeling the party has gone too radical, too extreme, too far with their rhetoric.

The Corricancha and Ancient Walls of Cusco Peru

Here there is a church built on top of pre-Incan megalithic walls.  The invaders always build over the sacred or special areas of the locals. I snapped a shot as we first arrived and drove through Cusco. This shot I stole from the web so you can see the walls it sits on more clearly…

Deeper into the Laycock Abbey Event

This is a part 2 to the my previous post “I Left My Blood at Laycock Abbey”. There are certain parts of this story I must keep private. However I will attempt to described my experience and the meaningful nature of the people associated. My good friend UFO Researcher Robert Hulse, who was my host […]

Philadelphia: The Citadel at Amman

Let’s go up way up. The tour bus had to make a sharp hairpin turn, stopping traffic in Amman Jordan on our way up to the very ancient Citadel. The temple of Hercules is a small ruin atop the path Called that because of the large hand sculpture found there. Our guide Abdullah gives a…

Roman Amphitheatre  in Amman Jordan

Amman’s Roman Theatre is a 6,000-seat, 2nd-century Roman theatre. A famous landmark in the Jordanian capital, it dates back to the Roman period when the city was known as Philadelphia.

Petra: Peace, Mystery, Friends and History

I joined an extension tour from Egypt heading into Jordan. March 21-25 2017. I was inspired to join this small group since traveling with a few of these hearty souls previously had proved enjoyable. This time we visited Amman and the ancient cities of Petra and Aqaba in Jordan. Along for the ride were Hidden…

Talk to Your DNA

We create our reality by choosing it with our feelings. Human emotion effects the field that connects all our world is made of.

Humanity First

Just as unhealthy thoughts, words and actions can create disease in our body, the agenda of the elite has made humanity sick. The programs they run, being the thoughts we think, are creating dis-ease in our perceptions.