Being OK with Not Knowing

When I was going through a painful divorce I would have video conversations with myself just to speak to someone about my feelings. It was easier to talk to the camera than to a human being.

I never watched any of it back until years later when I watched short segments, just to see where I was at.

One of the things enjoyed was when I came to the realization that I was going to have to ‘be okay with not knowing what was going to happen’.

The Betrayal had been so swift it was like a Band-Aid being ripped off quickly. I was in a bit of shock and the residual pain was falling up on me. Nobody likes bad surprises. These are the kinds of things that cause human trauma.

Collectively we are experiencing another human drama and ensuing trama. Collectively we are Awakening to our manipulation by the global Elite. The global adversary.

One likes to think the world leaders and governments are like loving parents in the living room while we are comfortably asleep in our beds. However the Medical Apartheid we are now living through is proof of a darker agenda.

When a ‘self-appointed’ (I mean do we really have Fair Elections?) authority in the guise of ‘government’ (govern your mental) decides to take away your God given basic human rights, it can be quite a betrayal and quite a shock. Especially when you thought you were living in a free country where your voice counted and your rights were protected by law enforcement.

A lot of us are feeling that shock now. Most of us will feel it later.

When things start out with phrases like “2 weeks to flatten the curve” and turn into you can’t access your basic human rights as promised under your law something’s not right.

‘We are all in this together’ begins to sound like a Marxist Communist dictatorship.

I’m all for everyone making their own choices and being at peace with others making their choices. This is the beauty of life in a free country.

I am not for scapegoating any group. I am not for discrimination. When I read media stories and hear our local politicians speak disparagingly about a group of our population it’s terrifying. I would never blame a segment of my population for anything. Especially for not protecting themselves against something they would have a 99.8% chance of surviving. It’s like wearing a life jacket and trying to swim in case you drowned.

I am not for fear. I am for health. I think the phrase ‘stay healthy’ would have went a lot farther to promote health than the phrase ‘stay safe’ which implies we have something to be afraid of.

I am a responsible human being and I believe my thoughts create my reality and I guard those thoughts wisely. I don’t take them from the television set or any corporate media outlet.

I am my own counsel. I do not seek the counsel of the foolish majority. I’ve always done my own thing listened to my gut listened to my spirit and kept my connection to my Creator. I know deep in my soul what is right and what is wrong. That is the nature of my innate spiritual being .

I understand the global corporate structure and the demonic forces that thrive within it. Now is the time we must be okay with not knowing what’s going to happen.

But let me give you a prediction. I believe in the human Spirit. History repeats itself and we learn more lessons and this may be one of our biggest lessons.

We must take care of each other and create new ways of living to survive. Again the human Spirit Will Rise. Keep following your heart.

Never betray yourself, never retract, never explain, never apologize. Get Our New World created and let them howl.

I’ll leave you with a post I found on Facebook maybe you can read it in line for your third fourth and fifth booster.

Life without a Covid pass

Coming to your country and your town, any day now

This three part thread details life in the medieval totalitarian society of Lithuania where population control is now a way of life in the first country to go ‘covid pass’ insane ..
This is Globoco Lietuva’s story .. YOU MUST READ IT

With no Covid Pass, my wife and I are banished from society.
We have no income.Banned from most shopping.Can barely exist.
But we will not accept authoritarianism.

Here’s how life looks after one month in Lithuania,under Europe’s first strict,society-wide Covid Pass regime:

My wife and I have been suspended without pay for 4 weeks.
We can’t return to our jobs.
Not sure our employers would let us back.
Even if they did, our colleagues despise us, wish on social media for our death. Nothing we can do will ever erase that. We can’t work there.

We can’t find new jobs in our professions.
My wife and I have very different jobs in very different fields. But all jobs in both our fields now require the Covid Pass.
No Pass, no job.

We’re not allowed to buy food in the local supermarket.
We may only shop in small stores with street-facing entrances which mainly sell food,pharma,glasses/contacts, or farming/pet supplies.
In our area, that effectively limits us to one small, expensive convenience store.

The Pass has wreaked havoc with the free market.
Supermarkets which require the Pass report shopper traffic is down 25% in the month since the Pass was imposed.
But in the small stores where the Pass isn’t required, it’s up only 0.7%.
So where have the shoppers gone?

We now buy food in old Soviet-style markets: outdoors, in parking lots, products sold on street, tiny tables, or from back of cars. Produce, eggs, cheese, meat, fish. Cash only. No Pass required.
Not as convenient as a supermarket. But it works for now. Life finds a way.

I need to make some home repairs. But without a Pass, I can’t enter the hardware store to buy supplies.
I can’t call for a repair worker because repairs are banned for non-Pass holders. And I have no income now to pay for outside help anyway.
So our home stays unrepaired.

We went to the dentist we’ve attended for years for an appointment for one of my children, but had to leave because I don’t have a Covid Pass.
No other dentist in our area will see us. We’ve heard of dentists who treat people with no Pass, but they’re far. So no dental care.

We tried to buy art supplies for our kids from a craft store. No purchase allowed without a Pass.
We tried to buy educational toys in a toy store. We were barred from entering.
Can’t buy kitchen supplies. Banal, but frustrating …

We tried to print some papers in a copy shop. The staff refused us service without a Pass.
We can’t enter the library to browse books with our kids. That used to be one of our family’s greatest pleasures. But we’re not allowed any more because we don’t have a Covid Pass.

Our two kids outgrew/destroyed last winter’s clothes.
We tried to buy new ones. But with no Pass,many stores rejected us.
Finally,my pregnant wife begging,tears in her eyes; a manager at a second-hand store relented: “Just this once,ok? Can’t let you people in here again.”

This pressure to submit is everywhere.
And it’s overwhelming. Our ability to survive has been destroyed.
But no matter the suffering imposed and the hardships we must endure, we will never accept the descent into the authoritarianism which the Covid Pass represents.

QR code to enter stores? Covid Pass needed to work?
Government approval needed to buy food,toys,clothes?

No. No. No.

The Covid Pass regime of government segregation and control – punishing undesired behavior with banishment from society – is the path to authoritarianism ..

When Covid vaccinations were released, the original policy was education, trust, and informed consent to vaccinate targeted groups.
But policy changed in 2021: choice and trust was replaced by coercion and punishment.
You’ve shredded trust in public health for generations.

Government approval to exist in society. Banishment based on arbitrary rules. Recording of all people’s movements.
That’s not health; it’s control and power.
This new authoritarian control will only grow to ban ever more behavior as bureaucrats push to expand their power.

Like many cases in history, our slide towards authoritarian control in 2021 – in Europe and throughout the world – has fueled, and been fueled by, hatred and othering which is encouraged by government and stoked by the media.
And it’s ripping our society apart.

Segregation. Blame for disease. Accusation of wartime betrayal. Incitement. Persecution.
This is not a history textbook. This is the reality of life for my family in 2021.
Our humanity has been erased.
This is wrong.
So deeply, deeply wrong …

Our winter is long,cold,dark. My wife and I don’t have savings to last til spring.
But despite hardship,we decided resistance is our moral path. We want our kids some day to feel pride towards us, not disgust.
Freedom is fragile, and we must defend it. If not us, then who?

You have inflicted so much suffering on us already. You plan to hurt us even more this winter.
But know this:
We will never accept your Covid Pass regime.
We will never accept the control, segregation, and hate.
We will never accept this descent into authoritarianism.

We do not stop you earning a living, though you stop us.
We do not ban you from buying food and clothing, though you ban us
We do not hate you, though you hate us.
We do not banish you, though you banish us.
We do not wish death upon you, though you wish death upon us.

And when the time comes, as it inevitably will, when you too are banished by the ever-increasing, arbitrary rules of the new authoritarianism, we will fight for your rights just as we fight now for ours.

Because we are all equal.

And we all have equal right to exist in society

What do you think ? Please tell me...