Plandemic Indoctrination

Watch this while it’s still on the internet it is the sequel to the documentary on Dr. Judy Mikovits plandemic.


Apparently liberals and leftists in America are disenchanted with the Democratic Party. They are feeling the party has gone too radical, too extreme, too far with their rhetoric.

Ayahuasca and Me

The call towards wholeness did not reside in the teaching of the plants: It resided in the deepest parts of my own being.

Philadelphia: The Citadel at Amman

Let’s go up way up. The tour bus had to make a sharp hairpin turn, stopping traffic in Amman Jordan on our way up to the very ancient Citadel. The temple of Hercules is a small ruin atop the path Called that because of the large hand sculpture found there. Our guide Abdullah gives a…

Petra: Peace, Mystery, Friends and History

I joined an extension tour from Egypt heading into Jordan. March 21-25 2017. I was inspired to join this small group since traveling with a few of these hearty souls previously had proved enjoyable. This time we visited Amman and the ancient cities of Petra and Aqaba in Jordan. Along for the ride were Hidden…

Crap Circle Conundrum

The horrible truth of Hoaxing for money has muddied the waters for researchers for years.
Antsy takes the cake.

Reviews for You from TFHL

Hello people 🙂 I just uploaded a one take live video to youtube today. I am going to share it here as well.   A review of some books and the stuff I know you all love. The Undying Stars, David Warner Mathisen Read about the meaning to our religious myths. The truth about our…