Advanced Ancient Rock Cutting – Longyou Cave China

Our world is old. Much older than we are taught. There are always new mysteries to discover.  New ways to think about this Earth. New histories to write.

In this regard I noticed a photo of a cave discovered in 1992 in China. I did not travel to China to see these caves myself. However since I had recently seen the construction of the Unfinished Obelisk in Aswan Egypt I noticed the similarity in these caves construction. The tool used in these ancient places seems to leave ridge like even marks. Here are some pictures I took from the internet.

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Closer look at the ridges.

I looked up the caves description in Wikipedia. It was very interesting….

“The Longyou Caves are a series of large artificial caverns located at Phoenix Hill, near the village of Shiyan Beicun on the Lan River in Longyou County, Quzhou prefecture, Zhejiang province, China.” First discovered in 1992, 24 caves have been found to date. They have maintained their structural integrity and appear not to interconnect with each other.”

Carved in siltstone, a homogeneous medium-hard rock, the caves are thought to date to a period prior the Qin Dynasty in 212 BCE. I suspect they are much much much older.

One fact from Wikipedia was curious. “Despite their size and the effort involved in creating them, so far no trace of their construction or even their existence has been located in the historic record.” Hummmmm……

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Ridge marks seen on ceiling and throughout cave.

The average floor area of each cave is over 1000 square metres, with heights of up to 30 metres. The total area covered is in excess 30,000 metres.

The caves are quite large. Where they made by giants ?

The ceiling, wall and pillar surfaces are all finished the same way. A series of parallel bands between ridge marks. They are about 60 cm wide containing parallel chisel marks set at an angle of about 60°.

Does this remind you of the pictures I took at the Aswan quarry ?

Similar ridge marks in granite Aswan quarry Egypt. Stephen Mehler and Chris Dunn descending.
Ridge marks around Unfinished Obelisk Aswan Egypt.
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Ridge cuts up and under unfinished structure Aswan quarry.

Can you see the similarity in the marks left in the Longyou Caves below ? The caves were not exposed to the elements as the granite in the quarry. I suggest this is why the ridges are so pronounced inside the caves.

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Longyou Cave shaved out of rock with a similar tool ?
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Closer look at the ridges.

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Smaller ridge marks in Longyou Caves.
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Decorative and functional ? Smaller ridge marks in Longyou Caves.


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Another of the cave’s mysteries is that there’s no evidence of lighting being used. As in the Serapeum at Saqqarra in Egypt, at Longyou there are no traces or remnants of lamp bases, oil plates or other lamp equipment. These lighting devices have been found in other Chinese caves.

How did they see what they were doing when excavating? How did they breathe ? The entrances are small and the caves deep, there would have been little to no natural light.

The Bazda Cave in Turkey also shows these marks.

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Bazda Cave

Video of these Bazda Caves in Turkey here.

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Marks also found in Bazda Cave

I wonder if the tools described in Matilda Mac Elroys document Alien_Interview were used to carve out the caves. These tools are said to be depicted in the hands of the Ponce Stela.

Below is a drawing of his hands. Did these tools spin or vibrate to generate sound or light waves which could cut through rock? Did the tool produce light to see as one also carved through solid rock, evaporating the stone in the way ?

Drawing of Hands with Tools
A line drawing of tools in hand of statue.
TFHL at Ponce Stela Tiahuanaco Bolivia
Is this Stela holding a depiction of advanced tools ?

So interesting that the same tool marks seem to be seen in Turkey, China, Peru, and Egypt. I suggest if we look we will find these marks in other ancient sites as well.

Do you think perhaps there once was a global culture that had these tools and this ability ? I suggest there once was. Putting the pieces of our extraordinary history together is the greatest mystery for us to solve today.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Often mistaken for “alien tools” I clearly see a figurine in 1 hand and a double headed snake in the other. The clear sky reference does not make it less mysterious.

    “The word for snake and the word for sky are often
    homonyms in Maya languages. In Mythic and ritual scenes
    of many pre columbian peoples, a double headed serpent can
    be a skyband, which defines a sky phenomenon or marks of the space
    between two worlds. The sky band can represent the milkyway of the
    change between the middleworld (earth) and the upperworld (sky)
    It has been argued thats the mythic snake knows as the chicchan serpent is depecited in the codex madrid as the pleiades. The man in snake stele,
    the rattlesnake is a synonym for the pleiades.” Source: Birds and Beasts of Ancient Latin America By Elizabeth P. Benson

    Last picture, the famous man in snake. Not a spacecraft/aircraft or other nonsense, but the rattlesnake is a symbol for the Pleiades, which was also used to track the seasons for planting.


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