The Mystery Tool of Ancient Builders

My research into the hidden history of humanity and truth in general, led me to observe odd ‘ridge marks’ or long cuts in very hard bedrock stone, such as granite.

PUMA PUNKU Bolivia 2013

Come on let’s go through the looking glass of our main stream ‘History’. First we get on the bus from La Paz Bolivia. Driving out of the vast city we travel up to a mysterious vast remote plain. We then arrive at the famous town of Tiahuanaco. Arriving at this location in the remote Altiplano…

Your Natural Sense of God

I recently watched a Gaiam TV program  featuring Mr. H. Dean Brown, translator of The Upanishads and the Yoga Sutras. He was in a discussion with Jeffrey Mishlove about the origin of languages in the world. All languages probably stem from one mother language that evolved into many of the Eastern and Western countries. Indo-Euopean…

The Human Consciousness Revolution

“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within…

Mysterious Places near Lake Titicaca

For my 50th birthday I indulged in an ‘add on’ tour with Hidden Inca Tours. This is the tour company you want to travel with in order to learn the secrets of Peru/Bolivia. I joined a group at the end of a longer tour of Peru. We visited some unique sights around Lake Titicaca before…

Advanced Ancient Rock Cutting – Longyou Cave China

Our world is old. Much older than we are taught. There are always new mysteries to discover.  New ways to think about this Earth. New histories to write. In this regard I noticed a photo of a cave discovered in 1992 in China. I did not travel to China to see these caves myself. However…

Ancient Purses and Balls of Power

Years ago I read Zecharia Sitchins books. Sometimes referred to as The Earth Chronicles Series, these books sparked my curiosity for alternative historical perspective. Suddenly my mind was opened to new concepts I could understand. A plausible solution regarding my ‘how we got here’ questions left unanswered by modern education. I am not saying I…

Ancient Bones and OOPArts

“We ask, as Fools who know not Our Own Spirit: Where are the hidden traces left by The Gods?” — Rig Veda — book i, stanza 164, lines 5 a & b Fund DNA testing here Our history is told to us quite simply. We have enjoyed a linear evolution from caveman to modern…