You Are the Event Horizon

Is there an animating life energy entering all matter at set geometric points? Is this the mechanism creating the field or reality of the third dimensional material world ?


When we finally have access to technology allowing us to replicate food, access free energy, cure illness, create shelter and things for us to live comfortably, what will we need oil/gas, money and banks for ?

The End of Materialism

Be willing to be in love with life. Take your rightful place in the awakening of humanity as an anchor of love. Be that vibration so we can all experience in harmony, supporting the frequency.

I am Consciousness and not my Body ?

The concept of consciousness being the core of reality is refreshing. It challenges all our materialist assumptions. It opens the doors to ideas we never would experience otherwise. The idea Matter evolved into Consciousness is the general consensus. Is there room to conceive that Consciousness animates Matter? A thought has to start the ball rolling…

Contact is You

I made a new video about a lecture by Doctor Steven Greer that inspired me. The idea of there being others in the Universe is not new. Pretty much common place today. Before now we shot at them. Before now the governments tried to make us fear them. Perhaps they still try to. The information…

Ancient Purses and Balls of Power

Years ago I read Zecharia Sitchins books. Sometimes referred to as The Earth Chronicles Series, these books sparked my curiosity for alternative historical perspective. Suddenly my mind was opened to new concepts I could understand. A plausible solution regarding my ‘how we got here’ questions left unanswered by modern education. I am not saying I…